New data released by the Morrison Government demonstrates Australia is in the midst of an apprenticeships boom with apprentice and trainee starts or ‘commencements’ for the December quarter 2020 at a five-year high and dramatically higher than the same quarter in 2019, pre-COVID.
The data, capturing the first quarter of the Morrison Government’s Boosting Apprenticeship Commencements wage subsidy, shows apprenticeship commencements for the December quarter 2020 increased by 141.5 per cent compared with the December quarter 2019 (October to December) with the total number of apprentices and trainees in-training at 297,920, an increase of 13.9 per cent from 31 December 2019.
Both trade and non-trade commencements increased from the December 2019 quarter by 123.5 per cent and 155.3 per cent respectively. The largest absolute increase among trade occupations was in construction trade workers with numbers increasing by 4,510. Among non-trade occupations, the largest increase was in clerical and administrative workers with an increase of 8,820.
The significant surge in apprenticeship commencements under the Morrison Government contrasts with the experience of previous economic downturns in Australia. The National Centre for Vocational Education Research previously found the apprenticeship and traineeship system experienced ‘a considerable shock and sharp decline in commencements during the second half of 2008 and the first half of 2009’ as a result of the Global Financial Crisis.1
Minister for Employment, Workforce, Skills, Small and Family Business, Stuart Robert, said today’s figures cement the fact the Morrison Government is securing Australia’s future workforce through supporting a new generation of Australian apprentices. ‘The Boosting Apprenticeship Commencements wage subsidy continues to act as a support for Australia’s workforce and is developing Australia’s next generation of tradies,’ Minister Robert said.
‘With more people in work than before the pandemic, today’s apprenticeships data is another sign of the fundamental strength of the Australian economy under the Morrison Government.
‘Our jobs plan, outlined in the Federal Budget, is straightforward: protect jobs and connect people with jobs today, and skill up our workforce for the jobs of tomorrow. It is clear the plan is working.’
1. Effects of the downturn (
Apprentices and trainees 2020 – December quarter released by the National Centre for Vocational Education Research (NCVER) provides a national picture of apprenticeship and traineeship activity, including both quarterly and annual figures.
More information can be found at:
Australian quarterly training activity - Apprenticeship Commencements2
2. 'Australian quarterly training activity (Quarterly activity over the last five years)' National Centre for Vocational Education Research, Apprentices and trainees 2020: December quarter – Australia, published 1 July 2021
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